Email:[email protected]
Website: www.thomasingersollphoto.com
Blog: www.thomasingersollphoto.com/new-blog
My name is Thomas Ingersoll. I am a photographer, retoucher, writer, and educator out of Phoenix, Arizona. I spent my life racing motocross but hung up th helmet for a camera. I enjoy teaching as much as I do shooting. I want to give back to the community that has given me so much.
Photography Genre: Commercial, Portrait, Fashion, Landscape
BlackRapid product of choice: The sport breathe camera strap
Hometown: Phoenix
Resides: Phoenix
Career Highlight #1: When I became a Fstoppers writer
Career Highlight #2: Becoming a brand ambassador for several companies
Career Highlight #3: Teaching photography at the college I graduated from
Favorite place on earth? Arizona
Age you took your first photo? What camera did you use? I was 19 when I took my dads old 35mm Minolta camera out.
When did you realize that you wanted to be a professional photographer? The second I picked up the camera.
Who inspires you? This is an endless list from photographers to people outside the field, but I would have to say my parents, Miller Mobley, and Clay Cook.
What camera do you use to capture most of your work? A Canon 5D mk iii
If I could photograph anyone in the world, alive or deceased, it would be… Hands down Ryan Gossling
What do you do when not taking photos? I have a girlfriend and a golden retriever, and we’ll go hiking and camping, I love to ride my 78 Honda Goldwing, and I am pretty active in the gym.
One piece of advice for someone at the beginning stages of their photography career? Make learning busniess a priority. Focus on original content that fulfills you. And work hard every single day.
How do you “Live The Moment”? I live the moment by putting the camera down and take in what I am doing.