Email:[email protected]
Website: Pattonphoto.com
I grew up splitting my time between California and Utah with my parents. I was passonate for school yet in the end decided to go off on my own and find my way. Along that path I’ve been a wedding photographer, an editorial photographer, a fashion photographer, a lifestyle and product packaging commercial photographer until I finally settled into a Commercial Publicity Photographer for Television and Feature Films. Its been a crazy long road but I wouldn’t have done it any other way .I love what I do and those whom I get to work with. Its pretty crazy that I call playing in make believe a career that has enabled me to live my dreams.
Photography Genre: Commercial Publicity Photographer for Television and Feature Film
BlackRapid product of choice: Hybrid Breathe
Hometown: Santa Barbara, Ca
Resides: Los Angeles, Ca
Career Highlight #1: Being able to make a wonderful living as a Photographer
Career Highlight #2: Shooting the Amazing Race for CBS
Career Highlight #3: Shooting at the White House (once upon a time)
Favorite place on earth? South Island New Zealand is pretty epic as is Wackatobi Indonesia.
Age you took your first photo? What camera did you use? I honestly don’t recall, but I do remember in Jr High school taking my first photography class and learing the ins and outs of the Darkroom with our Photography instructor who also happened to be a Professor at Brooks Institute as well. We were using older Russian made cameras then if I recall right. I soon ound a fondness for Minolta actually, then on to 21/4 format and large format.
When did you realize that you wanted to be a professional photographer? I ended up at a “Prestegious” school on the East Coast but all the while I was still shooting. My Campus jobs included shooting for the student paper and admissions office. I also worked in a Metalurgy lab doing Macro photography on broken pieces of metal for Graduate Students ongoing research products. After a few years there I left as it was not a good fit and I ventured out on my own with ony photography skills in my pocket and well the rest is history.
Who inspires you? These days, my kids.
What camera do you use to capture most of your work? I mostly shoot Canon 5D Mk4, Fuji XT2 and Hassleblad for galleries.
If I could photograph anyone in the world, alive or deceased, it would be… Moe Howard, Curley Howard and Larry Fine otherwise known as ‘The Three Stooges.’
What do you do when not taking photos? Spend time with my family, cooking, work on my home and prep for the next shoot.
One piece of advice for someone at the beginning stages of their photography career? Try it all, don’t be afraid to take a step back and look at that box you are in and more importantly whats outside that box. Don’t get too tunnel visioned with your subject as quite often the best frames don’t come from whats blatently infront of you.
How do you “Live The Moment”? My living the moment is a bit peculiar as I personally like to take a step back and asorb it all in. I’m a watcher, an observer of whats around me. Personality interaction is really an amazing thing. Of course I too love adventure and am the first one to dive off a cliff or dangle from a helicopter, but its the little things that are most memorable.